Text Reminder Service for Business: What’s the Use?

text reminder service for business: what's the use?

When it comes to owning your own business, getting a business phone number, and having a reliable phone system is likely at the top of your list of things to do. But for new businesses and even long-standing businesses, a text reminder service for business is quickly becoming a popular option to reach your customers (and employees) in a more effective and efficient way.

With research showing that text messages have an open rate of 98% versus 21% email open rate, it’s clear that this mode of communication isn’t going away. In fact, it’s much more effective when used properly. We’ll discuss multiple business uses and review some best practices. Let’s get started!

Reducing No-Show appointments

Patients who don’t show up for appointments can cost a medical practice thousands of dollars a year. In addition to the loss of revenue, it also contributes to the quality of healthcare and staffing concerns, which can all contribute to more roadblocks for patients. So, what’s the solution? Automated reminders, of course!

Automated calls and text messages improve communication between providers and patients. Just a simple reminder letting someone know they have an upcoming appointment can result in more visits. No need to send individual messages, all you do is set it up once in our portal and texts will be sent on a schedule you create and responses can be routed accordingly.

Medical Text Reminder Service for Business Example:

Hi [name]. You have an appointment scheduled for [DATE] at XYZ Medical Group. Text one to confirm or two for help.

Employee Communication

Employee communication is another great way to incorporate business texting. It doesn’t matter the size of your business, whether you need to contact a small group of people or the whole team, you can easily send messages to reflect your needs.

With employees who work remotely or sales teams on the road, it’s more difficult than ever to get everyone in one place for a meeting. Sending text messages is convenient and can report anything important to your staff.

General Employee Messaging Examples:

Open enrollment for benefits is this week. Visit our benefits fair on [DATE] or click the link to enroll now. [Include link]

The office is closed today due to the inclement weather. Please work from home or contact your manager for more information.

A Message for ANY Business

There are literally hundreds of ways to use texting and hundreds of types of businesses that can use it effectively. You may have experienced text reminder service for business, maybe from your doctor’s office, but the service isn’t limited to medical services–Law offices, nail and hair salons, banks, schools–ANY business that interacts with clients and customers can benefit from text services.

Text Reminder Service for Business Examples:

Lawyers/Accounting services:

Your bill for Attorney Smith can be viewed here [include link].

Hair and Nail Salons:

We hope you enjoyed your visit to Acme Hair Salon. We’d love to hear from you! Post your review online via this link [link].

Schools and Universities:

This is a reminder that Elementary School 123 is closing early on Friday. Please plan pickup accordingly. Press 1 for help.


Our 10% off sale is ending this Saturday! Stop by the store or shop online [link] to see all the sale items.

Emergency Text Alert System for Business

As a business owner, you’re prepared for a lot of things, but sometimes circumstances present themselves that are out of your control. When it comes to safety and security, warning your employees, customers, and the community about potential hazards before they enter your property can avoid many issues.

Emergency Text Alert Examples:

Warning: Potential flooding near our Main Street location. This location will be closed until further notice.

Employee Safety Alert: A fire alarm has been activated in Main Hall. All employees must evacuate the building calmly and meet across the street.

Interrupted Service: Bus services are not running today due to the weather. Stay inside and seek alternate transportation only if necessary.

Making It Work for You

Telecommunications has changed so much in recent years, and so has the workplace! While having choices can be overwhelming, we hope you see text reminder service for business as a new tool to improve your communication or make a sale.

Rhode Island Telephone can add this service to your monthly bill if you’re an existing customer. For new customers, simply reach out for a free quote. We’re always available to walk you through how the service works and how it can benefit your business.

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