What is BYOD? As a small business owner, you know that effective communication is the backbone of a strong, growing organization. In the age of information, having an up-to-date, streamlined networking platform keeps employees in top form and potential customers happy. Likewise, older avenues like landlines are falling out of favor, making them an inconvenient means of correspondence. Sad as it may be to see them go, our old gadgets are now considered old-fashioned. So if that’s the state of traditional phone lines and their relationship with SMBs (small business owners), then what’s taking their place?
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies are on the rise. More and more talk of BYOD has emerged in corporate settings, especially with the rise in remote working. But what is a BYOD policy and is it really worth it to make the switch? We’ve got the 411 on this on implementing a BYOD policy in your business!
What is BYOD
As you may have gathered, “BYOD” is short for “bring your own device.” A BYOD policy means that as your business phases its traditional phones out, they are replaced with you and your employees’ personal devices or a softphone app offered by your business phone solution provider. Personal devices can include smartphones, laptop, tablets, or portable hard drives.
Ideally, this leads to efficient, cost-effective dealings for you, your employees, and your customers. Sounds promising, but it also comes with a set of risks. So what can the head of an organization expect when making the switch?
BYOD Policies are Rising
In this new age of rapid technological advancement, cutting-edge changes are made on an almost daily basis, and the popularity of such innovations skyrocket overnight. It can be dizzying to keep track of it all! Though it might seem safer to ignore these confusing rising stars, changing with the times opens you up to all manner of long-term successes and protects you from being left in the dust.
What is BYOD to your business? All over the world, both large and small enterprises (including non and for-profit organizations alike) are making the switch to BYOD policies, and this increasingly common preference for personal devices over traditional phone systems shows no sign of slowing down. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic increased BYOD work policies, with nearly 90% of businesses dependent on their employee’s ability to access mobile business apps from their smartphone.
BYOD Policies are Renowned for Cost Efficiency
One of the major benefits behind BYOD’s promising numbers is its noteworthy cost efficiency. When your employees’ personal devices (as well as your own) become your primary touchstone, expensive hardware for your traditional phone systems can be abandoned altogether. The swap from analog to digital often comes with delightful little perks: mobile device management like free software upgrades and IT management, although this relies on your VoIP provider’s policies. Overall, BYOD policies frequently result in long-term financial wins by virtue of their efficiency and general user-friendliness; more streamlined communication means happier customers, increased productivity, and thus, more business opportunities!
BYOD Policies Often Fall Prey to Security Failures
Up to this point, you must be thinking that setting a BYOD policy in motion would be a foolproof move. Sadly, this business practice has security risks. When your business’s reliance shifts from a traditional phone system to a fleet of mobile VoIP devices, you put potentially sensitive information at risk of hacking, viruses, and theft. Many organizations that switch to BYOD blindly—especially those who go in without consulting their business phone provider—fall prey to such attacks. However, this risk can be greatly minimized by a forging a relationship with the right VoIP service provider, allowing you to manage your employees’ connections while providing strong support networks and regular upgrades.
BYOD Policies are User Friendly and Intuitive
Another big draw that BYOD can boast is the convenience factor. Switching to a new system is intimidating, and it can take time to get acclimated to brand new devices, but when you and your employees bring your own devices to work, you’re using phones, laptops, and tablets that you’re already familiar with—no awkward transition necessary! It almost goes without saying that BYOD policies make working from remote locations much more convenient and accessible.
Like most things, BYOD policies have their benefits, but they also carry a distinct risk factor. The good news is the benefits strongly outweigh the deficits as long as you arm yourself with up-to-date information, have a strong compliance and risk management strategy, and align yourself with a strong support network.